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Training & PMP® Certification

Training & PMP® Certification

  1. Are there plans for a course about (topic) later this year?

    A.   We review ideas for classes throughout the year -- and welcome suggestions. If you have ideas for specific courses and/or speakers in which you are interested (or have previously viewed), send an email to PMI-MN Chapter Administrator -- your ideas will be forwarded to our planning teams. You can also contact committee members at the meetings or via email.

  2. Does PMI-MN offer exam preparation classes for PMP® certification? If so, when?

    A.  Yes. We offer evening classes and a three-day course. Dates, times, and locations are available in the PMP® Certification section -- and you can check the Events & Meetings for upcoming classes.

  3. Does PMI offer project management classes? I am looking into project management training, and classes toward PMP® Certification.

    A.   Yes. We offer project management training and certification classes to members and non-members. You can check upcoming courses listed on the Events & Meetings tab.

    PDD: Every year PMI-MN holds a four-day conference with three days of one- and two-day courses -- and a one-day Symposium on project and business related topics. It's called Professional Development Days (PDD) and is usually held in September. You can also contact PMI-MN’s Professional Development Director via email.

  4. Can PMI-MN events be used toward certification or certification renewal?

    A.  Yes. You can find out more in the PMP® Certification section of this site.

  5. How much does the PMP® Certification Exam cost?

    A. It depends. In 2010 the PMP® Certification Exam fee is $405.00 for PMI members ($555 for non-members). If you are in job transition, your state employment counselor may approve funds from the Dislocated Worker or WIA programs to cover your PMP® exam fee. Go to Global PMI for current costs.

  6. Is there a charge for taking the PMP® test if I take the PMP® Certification Exam Prep Class?

    A.  Yes. There is a separate fee to take the PMP® Certification exam. For details, go to Global PMI

  7. Do I need a laptop PC in PMI-MN classes? Can I bring one?

    A.  A laptop PC is not required -- unless the PMI-MN class description specifies it. You can bring one with you to class. Free wi-fi service may not be available in all classrooms.

  8. Does PMI-MN offer prep classes for CAPM and PGMP certifications? What do these certifications cost?

    A.  PMI-MN does not currently offer prep classes for these certifications. For information about PMI certifications, go to Global PMI. The cost for certifications varies by credential.

  9. How do I sign-up for the PMP® exam? I am taking classes at a local college for project management certification, and want to take the PMP® exam when I complete the required classes.

    A.  Online: The best place to find out about the PMP® exam, application process, and cost is at Search for PMP Certification – the FAQs and application form will display.

    In Person: You can ask our volunteers at the Membership table at Chapter dinner meetings -- they welcome your questions. Members are available from 5:00 – 6:30 pm. Meeting dates and locations can be found under the Events & Meetings tab.

    Step by Step Workshop: Several times a year we offer help on the process and how to complete the PMP® application form. Sessions are held before the schedule Chapter dinner meeting. Check Events & Meetings or the Certification section for specifics.

  10. Is there help for completing the PMP® certification exam application? I looked at the online application and could use some help filling it out.

    A.  PMI-MN offers a step-by-step Application Writing workshop -- covering the application process and how to complete the PMP® exam application -- several times a year. Sessions are held before the scheduled Chapter dinner meeting. Check PMP® Certification section for specifics.

  11. Does PMI endorse specific courses or class providers? Are there PMI registered providers?

    A.  PMI-MN does not endorse individual classes or course providers. PMI-MN is a Registered Education Provider. Check the PMI Global website for a list of other Registered Education Providers in the area.

  12. How do I renew my PMP® certificate? My PMP® certification is out of date (lapsed).

    A.  Go to the following location at Global PMI:  Credential Suspension

  13. Are there assistance opportunities for individuals in job transition or unemployed?

    A.  ESI International’s Stand Out Scholarship is making a half million dollars in career development tuition assistance available for out of work project managers, business analysts and general business professionals. The Stand Out Scholarship gives unemployed individuals the opportunity to build a more competitive resume by providing tuition assistance that can be used to cover the majority of tuition fees on up to three ESI courses, enabling them to potentially earn an Associate’s Certificate. Students will have the opportunity to take Project Management and Business Analysis courses in our public classrooms nationwide or online via e-Training or the Virtual Classroom. This program launched on July 1, 2009 and will run through December 31, 2010, or until all funds have been awarded. For more information or to download an application, visit

  14. Can a training or resource vendor demonstrate or promote its products at a PMI-MN event?

    A.  PMI-MN offers sponsorship opportunities at its events and on our website, as well as logo placement in direct eblasts and monthly newsletter to its members. Under specified terms, registered vendors and/or companies are recognized at sponsored events and are provided an opportunity to promote services to attendees. If you are interested in being a sponsor, contact PMI-MN Sponsorship Chair.

    PMI Minnesota Chapter does not endorse specific vendors or classes.

  15. How can I receive the member discount if you do not know I am a member?I’m a new member and I want to register for the PMP® Certification Exam Preparation course starting July 7th -- the deadline is June 30th.

    A.  To register for the PMP® Certification Exam Preparation class, you can call the registration line directly at 1-888-925-7644 and tell them you are a new member. We will let our call center staff know that you will be calling, and you should have no trouble getting registered at the chapter member rate.

  16. Are the PMI-MN PMP® Certification Exam Preparation materials available to individuals who can not attend the in-person classes?I live in Iowa, and am preparing to take the PMP® certification exam next month. I heard you have a fantastic guide on Project Cost Management.

    A.  Unfortunately, no. We do not sell or distribute our PMP® Certification Exam Preparation materials separately from the in-person course held by PMI-MN at this time.

Job Postings

  1. Does PMI-MN offer job postings at the Chapter level for project management professionals?

    A.  Yes – as a service for our PMI-MN members only. Project management and business analyst positions are available in the Job Listings area of the PMI-MN website. Job postings are primarily in the Minnesota area.

  2. Can recruiters and employers post project management positions on the PMI-MN website? My company is looking for a good project manager.

    A.  Yes. A job posting form is located under the Career Development tab. Follow the instructions on the form. Normally, the posting appears within two to four days of receipt. Job postings are available only to PMI-MN members under the Job Listings.

  3. What does it cost recruiters or employers to post job openings on the PMI-MN website?

    A.  None. There is no cost to post a job opening on the PMI-MN website. Job openings are screened for fit to project management professionals seeking positions and opportunities.

  4. Do you have a way to distribute a posting for a project manager to your members?

    A.  Yes. Job postings are available online at our website. PMI-MN allows employers or recruiters to post project management and business analysis-related job positions in the Job Listings area of the website. There is no cost to post a job opening. We do not directly notify members when new openings are posted.
